Strategic Objective 4: Strong and dynamic foundations

5-year goal
Action 4.5.1

Design and embed patient reported experience and patient reported outcomes into national performance monitoring and reporting for all providers, to assess services for all population groups and establish an evidence base.

Best practice cancer care is continuously informed by evidence and research on treatments and clinical outcomes. Building on Action 4.2.1 Develop an agreed national cancer data framework to improve accessibility, consistency and comprehensiveness of integrated data assets, there is an opportunity to design a national approach to performance monitoring and reporting for all providers that assess service performance on patient reported experience and patient reported outcome measures (PREMs and PROMs). Many jurisdictions, health and cancer services, and networks have designed and implemented PREMS and PROMS to varying extents. The segmented structure of the Australian health system and the cancer care system limits standardisation of experience and outcome measures, and assessment of service performance at a national level, particularly for priority population groups.

This 5-year action may include:

  • co-design of a nationally consistent performance monitoring and reporting framework for cancer care services with representatives across population groups
  • establishment of a governance and reporting approach for service providers to publish results from patient reported experience and patient reported outcomes
  • consider establishment of national benchmarks for patient reported experience measures across providers
  • support for digital platforms to capture and report on PREMS and PROMS for cancer care, which can be embedded into clinical practice and transferred to multiple health settings.

Embedding PREMs and PROMs into national performance monitoring and reporting for all public and private providers across the cancer care continuum will establish an evidence-base for service improvement, drive transparency across the sector, and improve equity of care for all priority populations. The use of PREMs and PROMs as an indicator may help address unmet needs and targeted supports, or changes to standard clinical procedures for certain priority populations.

Stakeholder Quotes

It is critical that PREMs and PROMs are tailored to ensure cultural safety, taking into consideration the specific needs of each priority population. The action may also require cultural safety from all providers involved in the cancer care continuum and awareness to any sensitivities. Data should be available, accessible and interpretable, so that patients can better understand their treatment options and outcomes.
Public Consultation Submission
It is critical that PREMs and PROMs are tailored to ensure cultural safety, taking into consideration the specific needs of each priority population. The action may also require cultural safety from all providers involved in the cancer care continuum and awareness to any sensitivities. Data should be available, accessible and interpretable, so that patients can better understand their treatment options and outcomes.
Public Consultation Submission
Mature data systems, which include data linkage, health system performance reporting, outcomes measurement can facilitate better cancer outcomes.
The Australian Cancer Control Ecosystem
The role of data is becoming more prominent in both Australia, and globally, with aims of improving outcomes and patient experience at the front of mind.
The Australian Cancer Control Ecosystem

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