Strategic Objective 4: Strong and dynamic foundations

5-year goal
Action 4.5.2

Expand access to digitally enabled cancer care to improve equity and access to quality cancer care, particularly in regional, rural and remote areas.

Digital technologies are a critical tool for improving access to cancer care across Australia, offering timely, convenient, efficient, and cost-effective ways to deliver care to consumers. People in regional, rural and remote communities are likely to be the greatest beneficiaries of expanded access to digitally enabled cancer care, where the distribution of the specialist workforce and significant distances to cancer services have been a longstanding barrier to equity of access. Building on Action 4.2.3 Identify opportunities to improve equitable cancer care through the digital health ecosystem, this 5-year action recommends the implementation of opportunities to expand access and scale up digitally enabled cancer care, particularly within regional, rural and remote areas.

Activities to further develop a supportive digital ecosystem and expand access to digitally enabled cancer care may include:

  • enhancing digital infrastructure to support improved screening, diagnostic and treatment techniques (e.g., digital pathology), including consideration of funding for telehealth services and reimbursement pathways for digital therapeutics
  • improving consumer digital health literacy and awareness of digital health resources and information
  • providing enabling legislative and policy environments to support and ensure uptake of telehealth and digital tools for cancer care
  • proactively investing in new technologies and emerging techniques with a view to national scalability e.g., mRNA, CAR T-cell therapies, immunotherapies, personalised medicine
  • developing artificial intelligence (AI) capability for cancer care, in a safe and progressive way through frameworks for policy, governance, ethics, and infrastructure
  • promoting public–private partnerships with the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical technology industries to foster research, innovation, and increased access to digital health technologies for cancer care.

Effective implementation of digitally enabled cancer care requires the cancer care workforce to be sufficiently trained in provision of digital health technologies and their application to cancer care models. This links to Action 5.5.2 Assist with the sector to support all cancer care practitioners to work at the top of their scope of practice, increase retention and ensure ongoing access to continuing professional development. Activities should also align with Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy and Framework for Action.[148]

For information on the specific needs for priority population groups for this action, refer to the Action 4.2.3.

Stakeholder Quotes

Digital systems would complement and work in harmony with humans, however there is currently a disjointed health architecture in Australia, where many systems are not utilised. A review of the system, and available technology, is needed.
Strategic Objectives Workshop
Digital systems would complement and work in harmony with humans, however there is currently a disjointed health architecture in Australia, where many systems are not utilised. A review of the system, and available technology, is needed.
Strategic Objectives Workshop
Strengthen Australia’s telehealth and digital health infrastructure to ensure these can be utilised to their full potential.
Cancer Survivorship in Australia Whitepaper, 2021

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